Presentation Information
[15a-P02-6]Deposition of covalent organic framework h-BDI
〇Rin Yoshida1, Masayuki Ishihara2, Yoshiyuki Nonoguchi1,2 (1.applied chemistry ,Kyoto Inst. Tech., 2.material science Kyoto Inst. Tech.)
covalent organic framework,electronic materials,thermoelectric conversion
Covalent organic structures have been confirmed to have a planar Dirac cone-like band structure with three-fold symmetry, and have potential as high-mobility electronic materials. On the other hand, its proof-of-principle has been limited to the STM scale, and its materialization is still awaited. In this study, h-BDI consisting of benzodiimidazole and 1,3,5-linked benzene was employed as a model COF that can be synthesized in bulk, and its deposition process was investigated.
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