Presentation Information
[15a-P04-11]Development of ultra-low noise nanopore chips using PDMS
〇Kouya Hatashita1, Hirohito Yamazaki2 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech., 2.TRI, Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)
Solid-state nanopore devices have attracted attention as a fast, portable, and low-cost technology that enables the detection of various biomolecules. Conventional solid-state nanopore devices use semiconductor materials with high dielectric capacitance for most of the substrate, which generates a huge amount of noise and makes it difficult to detect and evaluate single molecules with high precision. As a solution to this problem, this study focuses on the excellent mechanical properties and insulating properties of PDMS, and aims to develop a nanopore substrate using this material as a substrate.
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