Presentation Information

[15a-P05-4]Motility of Fibroblasts and Cardiomyocytes in 1D Groove Structures Fabricated by PDMS

〇Hiromu Kuwabara1, Tomone Iwama1, Arata Nagai1, Yuuta Moriyama1,2, Toshiyuki Mitsui1 (1.Aogaku Univ., 2.PRESTO, JST)


Dynamics,cell function,Imaging & Image processing

In recent years, culturing on three-dimensional substrate structures has become increasingly common and is utilized for analyzing the physical properties of cells. In this study, we used groove structures fabricated through photolithography to observe the dynamics of cardiac-derived fibroblasts infiltrating both inside and outside the grooves. As a result, distinct characteristics were observed between the external regions and the groove bottoms.


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