Presentation Information
[15p-K209-4]MBE growth of β-PtO2 epitaxial thin films
〇Yuki Ajisaka1, Ai Ikeda2, Yoshiharu Krockenberger2, Kazuaki Furukawa1, Yoshitaka Taniyasu2, Hideki Yamamoto2 (1.Meisei Univ., 2.NTT BRL)
superconductor,Molecular beam epitaxy
Recently, nickelates and ruthenates (3d and 4d oxides) have been extensively explored for new superconductors in addition to copper oxides, where high pressure or epitaxy is utilized to achieve nonequilibrium phases. We are engaged in platinates (5d oxides) using molecular beam epitaxy. We report on the growth of ~40 nm-thick epitaxial PtO2 films with the CaCl2 structure and their metallic conductivity.
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