Presentation Information

[15p-K308-7]Study on microcomb synchronization to a low-power-driven electro-optic comb

〇Yusei Tanto1, Tomohiro Tetsumoto2, Kentaro Furusawa2, Takasumi Tanabe1, Norihiko Sekine2 (1.Keio Univ., 2.NICT)


Microcomb,Optical microresonator,Terahertz-wave photonics

In response to the growing demand for expanded frequency resources in wireless communication, microcombs, integrated optical frequency comb light sources, are being explored for the generation of low-phase-noise millimeter-wave and terahertz waves. However, similar to radio wave generation using other laser light sources, synchronization techniques with other oscillators, which are essential for practical applications, require further refinement. This study investigates the development of a synchronization method for microcombs using a low-power-driven electro-optic comb.


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