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[15p-K403-2]Brain-machine interface based on EEG response to periodic somatosensory stimulation
〇Yushin Nakatsukasa1, Shota Tonouchi1, Ayaka Watanuki1, Hirohito Sawahata1 (1.KOSEN Ibaraki College)
Electroencephalography,Brain-Machine Interface
To assist patients with motor function disabilities, we propose a brain-machine interface (BMI) that controls external devices like robotic gloves using brainwaves. In this study, we focused on the modulation of the steady-state somatosensory evoked potential (SSSEP) in the brainwave by conscious attention, which appears in response to periodic somatosensory stimulation. We aimed to verify if it could serve as an indicator for intention discrimination. The results of the human experiment showed that the gamma wave envelope signal within the SSSEP was attenuated by conscious attention. Therefore, it is possible that by using this as an indicator, we can discriminate the body part that receives conscious attention and apply it to BMI, enabling control of robotic gloves.
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