Presentation Information

[15p-K404-15]Spatial Correlation in Charge Transport of Organic Semiconductors and its Link to C-factor

〇Akira Ohno1, Takenori Nitta2, Jun-ichi Hanna3, Hiroaki Iino3 (1.NIT Niihama Col, 2.NIT Tokyo Col, 3.Science Tokyo)


organic semiconductor,Gaussian Disorder Model,Spatial Correlation

Gaussian disorder model for charge transport of organic semiconductors, suggests that the field dependence of mobility arises from the energetic disorder, σ. In this study, we demonstrate that spatial correlations in energy levels modify the field dependence of mobility and cause the C-factor, influenced by competition with small polaron conduction, independently of σ. Our findings indicate that spatial correlations affect the temperature dependence of mobility.


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