Presentation Information
[15p-K405-14]Exploration of partially substituted structures in organic-inorganic perovskites
〇(M2)Kohei Takasaki1, Qing Wang1, Yuta Tsuji1, Atsushi Wakamiya2, Tomoya Nakamura2, Satoshi Iikubo1 (1.Kyushu Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ.)
perovskite,first-principles calculations,solar cell
In perovskite solar cells, the search for perovskite compounds that do not use toxic Pb is underway, and Sn has been identified as a candidate for an alternative element. However, tin perovskites have a problem in that defect levels in the band gap cause recombination between electrons and holes, resulting in a decrease in photoelectric conversion efficiency. The research group is investigating the control of orbital levels at the lower end of the conduction band (CBM) and the upper end of the valence band (VBM) of Sn perovskite by elemental substitution.
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