Presentation Information

[15p-K501-9]Time-Resolved Imaging of Lamb Waves in Topological Phononic Crystal Waveguides

〇Atsushi Saito1, Paul Otsuka1, Motonobu Tomoda1, Osamu Matsuda1, Daiki Hatanaka2, Hiroshi Yamaguchi2, Kenji Tsuruta3 (1.Hokkaido Univ., 2.NTT BRL, 3.Okayama Univ.)


phononic crystal,topological waveguide,Optical time-resolved imaging of acoustic waves

The optical time-resolved imaging of Lamb waves propagating in a topological waveguide is conducted. The sample consists of a two-dimensional phononic crystal with micron-scale periodic holes in a self-supported GaAs thin sheet (thickness: 1 μm). The spatial distribution of out-of-plane surface displacement velocity amplitude and phase at the sample surface is obtained. In the presentation, we discuss the independent component analysis to reduce the influence of spurious incident waves on the topological waveguide on the acoustic field data.


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