Presentation Information
[15p-K504-13]Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Terahertz Interconnects using Silicon Waveguides
〇(P)Ngo Hoai Nguyen1, Weijie Gao1, Daiki Ichikawa1, Yuta Inose1, Yosuke Nishida2, Masayuki Fujita1 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.ROHM)
resonant tunneling diode,silicon waveguide,terahertz
Terahertz (THz) technology is emerging as a solution for high-bandwidth, low-latency interconnects in AI/ML integrated circuits. Resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) are a promising THz source owing to their compactness, low power consumption, and compatibility with low-loss Si-based platforms. In this paper, we successfully demonstrated the communication of an RTD-based system at 20 Gbit/s at 350 GHz over a 5-cm distance using on-off keying modulation.
Further improvements in RTD design are needed to enhance output power and sensitivity. This would enable data rates of up to 100 Gbit/s with low power consumption and pave the way for ultra-high-speed THz interconnections.
Further improvements in RTD design are needed to enhance output power and sensitivity. This would enable data rates of up to 100 Gbit/s with low power consumption and pave the way for ultra-high-speed THz interconnections.
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