Presentation Information

[15p-K504-5]Probing inside LiNbO3 Crystals of Injection-seeded Terahertz Wave Parametric Generator

〇Akitoshi Niidome1, Sota Mine1, Kodo Kawase1, Kosuke Murate1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)



We have attempted to observe the process of terahertz wave (THz-wave) generation and amplification inside a LiNbO3 crystal in an injection-seeded terahertz wave parametric generator (is-TPG). The terahertz waves generated inside the crystal were detected by upconversion using pump beam injected from the side of the crystal. As a result, we succeeded in visualizing the increase of noise due to parametric fluorescence as the pump beam propagates through the crystal and the strong generation of terahertz waves from the front of crystal when pulse seed is used.


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