Presentation Information

[15p-K504-7]Terahertz and infrared absorption of a Quasi-MIM Metamaterial Absorber

〇kazuho Harada1, Zhao Zihao1, Li Chao1, Isao Morohashi2, Ya Zhang1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. &Techno., 2.NICT)


THz absorber,MIM metamaterial,MEMS bolometer

Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) metamaterial absorbers are promising for achieving high terahertz (THz) absorption, which is essential for the development of sensitive THz detectors. We have proposed a quasi-MIM absorber structure to improve the sensitivity of THz bolometers using MEMS beam resonators. The advantage of this structure is that no extra dielectric layer is needed, so that it is very compact and can be fabricated easily on SOI MEMS beam structures.
Previously, we have reported the perfect absorption of the quasi-MIM structure at the 1-2 THz band. Here we study the broadband absorption of the device from 2THz to ~60 THz. The results indicate that quasi-MIM absorbers are promising for realizing optical absorbers not only in the THz wave region but also in the infrared region.


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