Presentation Information
[15p-P07-25]GPU implementation of quasiparticle self-consistent GW calculations: Application to the modulated martensite phase of magnetic shape memory alloy Ni2MnGa
〇Masao Obata1, Takumi Katsuta1, Takao Kotani2, Tatsuki Oda1 (1.Kanazawa Univ., 2.Tottori Univ.)
Ferromagnetic shape memory alloy,GW calculation,GPU implementation
Ni-Mn-Ga alloys possess ferromagnetic and shape memory properties, making them promising for applications in magnetically induced actuators. At low temperatures, their crystal structure forms a modulated martensite structure that includes nano-twin boundaries. By utilizing GPU, we accelerated the calculation of self-consistent quasiparticle GW, which is a highly reliable first-principles electronic structure calculation. With the aid of GPU-accelerated QSGW calculation, we analyzed the electronic structure for the modulated martensite phase of Ni2MnGa. The electronic density of states near the Fermi level forms a valley structure, which is considered one of the factors in stabilizing the modulated structures.
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