Presentation Information
[15p-P07-27]Angle-dependent XMCD analysis of electric-field-driven orbital modification at interfaces by first principles calculations
〇Rikuto Takai1, Kenji Nawa1,2, Kohji Nakamura1 (1.Mie Univ., 2.NIMS)
angle-dependent XMCD analysis,first principles calculations,interfacial electric field effect
The application of an electric field to ultrathin magnetic interfaces is considered to induce interfacial charge accumulation or depletion and electric-field-induced orbital modifications at the interface. However, theoretical investigations of angular-dependent XMCD (X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism), which are effective for examining these phenomena, remain limited. Therefore, we developed an angular-dependent XMCD calculation method based on first-principles calculations and conducted a detailed investigation. In this presentation, we will discuss the dependence of valence orbital magnetic quantum numbers on angular-dependent XMCD spectra and the mechanisms of electric-field-induced orbital modifications at interfaces from the perspective of angular-dependent XMCD spectra.
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