Presentation Information
[15p-P07-31]Numerical analysis of physical reservoir by utilizing vortex spin torque oscillator with modified free layer
〇(D)Kota Horizumi1, Takahiro Chiba2,3, Takashi Komine1 (1.Ibaraki Univ., 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.FRIS)
vortex spin torque oscillator,spin dynamics,physical reservoir computing
Spintronics devices have attracted significant interest as candidates for implementing physical reservoirs, enabling recurrent neural network computations through physical systems. It has been reported that the learning performance of physical reservoirs improves near the boundary between parameter regions where the dynamics become periodic and those where they become non-periodic (chaotic), referred to as the edge of chaos. In this study, we numerically investigated whether learning performance improves at the edge of chaos in a vortex spin torque oscillator (VSTO) with modified free layer.
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