Presentation Information
[15p-P07-36]Electric field effect on spin-wave propagation in STO/LSMO/STO/PMN-PT(011)
〇Yuki Ohashi1, Sachio Komori1, Keiichiro Imura1, Tomoyasu Taniyama1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)
Artificial multiferroic structures consisting of ferromagnetic/ferroelectric materials have attracted much attention in recent years due to the electric field modulation effect of magnetism. In this study, we have investigated the electric field effects on the spin-wave propagation properties in STO/LSMO/STO/PMN-PT heterostructures and found that the non-reciprocity of the spin-wave amplitude changes near the polarization switching of PMN-PT. This result may be caused by a change in the Gilbert damping constant of LSMO due to the piezo strain of PMN-PT.
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