Presentation Information

[15p-Y1311-6]Development of environmentally resistant diamond semiconductor devices

〇Junichi H Kaneko1,3, Hitoshi Umezawa2,3, Naohisa Hoshikawa3 (1.Hokkaido University, 2.AIST, 3.Ookuma Diamond Devices)


diamond semiconductor devices,radiation-resistant,high-temperature operation

The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was a major turning point in the development of diamond semiconductor devices with radiation-resistant and high-temperature operation, with a view to electronic equipment for use inside reactor containment vessels. Amplification circuits using diamond MOSFETs were operated continuously at 300°C for one week. Based on these technologies, Okuma Diamond Devices, a start-up company, is developing front-end amplifiers. Furthermore, the development of environmentally resistant diamond logic devices with FPGAs in mind will also be presented.


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