Presentation Information

[16a-K205-4]Electret-Micro Windmill with Ultra-Low Cut-in Velocity

〇Tomoya Miyoshi1, Jiaming Yao1, Yuji Suzuki1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)


energy harvesting,electret,windmill

Micro wind turbines capable of operating at low wind velocities below 1 m/s, corresponding to pedestrian-level winds, are attracting attention as sustainable power sources for IoT applications. In this study, a horizontal-axis micro wind turbine with a diameter of 200 mm was proposed to achieve ultra-low cut-in wind velocities. The turbine is equipped with a rotational electret generator using a bipolar-charged CYTOP electret. Wind tunnel experiments demonstrated a mean output power of 1.8 mW (27% efficiency) at a wind velocity of 0.7 m/s and achieved a cut-in wind velocity of 0.4 m/s. In addition, outdoor tests under wind conditions with a median velocity of 1.2 m/s produced an output power of 2.8 mW.


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