Presentation Information
[16a-K309-3]Angular dependence of thermoelectric power in MoSi2
〇Aina Sakamoto1, Hikari Mamako1, Shoya Ohsumi1, Hidetoshi Imai1, Yoshiki J. Sato2, Shogo Yoshida1, Ryuji Okazaki1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci., 2.Saitama Univ.)
thermoelectric,transverse thermoelectric
The transverse thermoelectric effect is a phenomenon that generates thermoelectromotive force in the direction orthogonal to the temperature gradient and has attracted attention as a thermoelectric conversion device that does not require many junction structures. In this study, we have measured the angular dependence of thermoelectric power in MoSi2, which exhibits the transverse thermoelectric effect due to anisotropic electron and hole conduction originating from its crystal structure. The Seebeck coefficient along the a-axis and the c-axis were obtained from the experimental results of the angular dependence of thermoelectric power and the temperature gradient values read by thermography.
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