Presentation Information
[16a-K401-2]Nanoscale correlative study between structural defects and local emission properties
of red InGaN hybrid single-quantum-wells
〇(D)Zhaozong Zhang1, Ryota Ishii1, Kanako Shojiki1, Mitsuru Funato1, Daisuke Iida2, Kazuhiro Ohkawa2, Yoichi Kawakami1 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.KAUST)
red InGaN hybrid SQW,scanning near-field optical microscopy,trench defect
Using SNOM and AFM techniques, we investigated the nanoscopic correlation between the structural and emission properties of a red InGaN hybrid SQW. The lowered-, level-, and raised-center trench defects, as well as TDs, exhibit a low emission intensity, indicating that they are NRCs. We demonstrate that the enhanced In segregation caused by the high In content of the sample significantly reduces the emission intensity. Given the correlation of dark emission regions between the blue and red emissions, as well as the observation that the reduction in the screw-type TDD is comparable to the increase in the trench defect density at the surface, it is reasonable to conclude that screw-type TDs must be one of the triggers in the formation of trench defects.
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