Presentation Information
[16a-K401-6]Aluminiumization-Assited Influence on the Crystalline Quality of the AIN Template Grown on c-Sapphire
〇(P)Amina Yasin1, Yuya Nagata1,2, M. Nawaz Sharif1, Hamida Zia1,2, Hiroyuki Yaguchi2, M. Ajmal Khan1, Hideki Hirayama1 (1.RIKEN, 2.Saitama University)
AlN template,MOCVD,Aluminiumization
Far-UVC AlGaN LEDs have gained much attention for their human-safe operation while effectively disinfecting drug-resistant pathogens, including Candida auris and SARS-CoV-2. However, their low efficiency, primarily due to non-radiative recombination in the multiquantum well active region caused by high threading dislocation density (TDD), limits their widespread adoption. The AlN underlayer, with a TDD of ~109 cm-2 due to lattice mismatch with c-sapphire, remains a major challenge. In this work, AlN layers were grown on c-sapphire by adopting a new strategy introducing a thin Aluminiumization process before the final AlN layer using MOCVD. During the growth, trimethylaluminum was directly introduced without ammonia flow, after the nucleation. This approach achieves XRD FWHM values of 156 arcsec (002) and 485 arcsec (102) and RMS roughness of 0.08 nm, demonstrating improved crystalline quality. These results enable scalable, cost-effective templates for high-IQE far-UVC and UVB LEDs.
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