Presentation Information
[16a-K406-2]Synthesis and Carrier Transport Properties of PEDOT:PSS with Different Side Chains
〇Shunta Endo1, Kosei Sakurai1, Yuxin Jing1, Hidenori Okuzaki1 (1.Univ. of Yamanashi)
conductive polymer,PEDOT:PSS,carrier transport properties
In this study, we synthesized R-PEDOT:PSS, which has hydroxymethyl, ethyl, and chloromethyl groups in the PEDOT side chain, by chemical oxidative polymerization, and investigated in detail the influence of the PEDOT side chain on the higher-order structure and carrier transport properties. It was revealed that the electrical conductivity decreased with decreasing crystallinity due to the steric hindrance between the PEDOT:PSS side chains.
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