Presentation Information

[16a-K406-6]Origin of electromotive force of ionic thermoelectric

〇Kazuhiko Seki1, Shohei Horike2, Vikas Nandal1, Qingshuo Wei3 (1.AIST GZR, 2.Kobe Univ., 3.AIST NMRI)


Ionic thermoelectric

Recently, ionic thermoelectric supercapacitors have gained attention because of their high thermoelectric voltages. Herein, we theoretically estimated the thermoelectric voltage generated in the bulk of an electrolyte by simultaneously considering both the ef- fect of the electric double layer and the effect of the Eastman entropy of transfer without assuming charge neutrality. Previous studies on electromotive force measurement have typically been conducted under open conditions and sometimes involved the use of polymers and additives. However, recent research has demonstrated that complex effects can influence the voltage generation in ionic thermoelectric supercapacitors. Therefore, in order to streamline the experimental setup, we opted to conduct our measurements under closed conditions and introduce theoretical models for closed conditions. Although the present study is limited to closed systems, our results offer baseline information that can be used to further enhance the EMF in supercapacitors.


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