Presentation Information
[16a-K502-4][The 57th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Exploration of the Potential of Ce and Tb Co-Doped (Lu, Gd, Y)3Ga3Al2O12 Scintillator Materials for the Development of a High-Sensitivity X-ray Imaging Detector
〇Kazuya Omuro1,2, Masao Yoshino2,3, Liudmila Gushchina4, Seiichi Yamamoto6, Kohei Nakanishi7, Kei Kamada2,3,4, Kyoung Jin Kim2, Takahiko Horiai2,3, Rikito Murakami2, Akihiro Yamaji2,3, Takashi Hanada2, Yuui Yokota2, Shunsuke Kurosawa2,3,5, Yuji Ohashi2,3, Hiroki Sato2,3, Akira Yoshikawa2,3,4 (1.Grad. Sch. Eng., Tohoku Univ., 2.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 3.NICHe, Tohoku Univ., 4.C&A Corp., 5.Osaka Univ., 6.Waseda Univ., 7.Nagoya Univ.)
X-ray imaging,scintillator,garnet oxide
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