Presentation Information

[16a-K506-6]Fabrication of Glass-Based Microfluidic Chips by Ultrafast Laser Assisted Selective Etching Using Bessel Beam Combined with Ultrafast Laser Welding

〇(P)Jiawei Zhang1, Kun Fang1, Koji Sugioka1 (1.RIKEN)



Glass-based microfluidic systems offer important advantages in cell culture due to their superior optical transparency and biocompatibility, making it ideal for cell observation in controlled environment. Conventional laser-induced selective etching (LISE) has been recognized as an effective way to create microfluidics in glasses, which however, often yields short total length due to limited etching selectivity. We address this challenge by employing LISE with Bessel beam to cut through channels (50-100 microns thick, 50-100 microns wide, and tens of millimeters long) in glass with high efficieny. The fabricated glass was sealed between two glass slides using ultrafast laser welding, resulting in a robust, leak-proof, and biocompatible structure. This platform successfully supported 3D cell culture, demonstrating its ability to sustain complex cellular architectures, which opens new possibilities for applications in tissue engineering, drug testing, and organ-on-a-chip systems.


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