Presentation Information
[16a-P01-17]Third-order nonlinear optical effect of the hot compressed silica glass
〇Kota Yoshioka1, Takao Aoki2, Madoka Ono1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Waseda Univ.)
silica glass,third-order nonlinear optical effect,optical fiber
Silica (SiO2) glass is widely used as the core material of optical communication fibers. In recent years, the amount of information transmitted through optical fibers has increased dramatically with the spread of AI. Therefore, reduction of nonlinear optical effect and durability of silica glass fibers against high intensity light are required. In this study, third-order nonlinear optical effects were evaluated for silica glass frozen at high temperature and high pressure using the Z-scan method, and the effects of pressure and temperature on nonlinear optical properties of the silica glass are investigated.
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