Presentation Information

[16a-P01-7]Helical structure modulation of HPC liquid crystals by optical vortex

〇(B)Ryuya Sonoda1, Yasunori Nawa1, Yasushi Tanimoto2, Kyoko Masui2, Chie Hosokawa2, Keiko Tawa1 (1.Kwansei Gakuin Univ., 2.Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)


optical vortex,cholesteric liquid crystal,circular polarization

Optical vortices are light with orbital angular momentum, which has been found to have the effect of rotating molecules. Using optical vortices control of the metallic nanostructures and the chirality of azo polymers were reported photoisomerization. In this study, in order to develop the control of molecular orientation by optical vortices, we aim to clarify the interaction of optical vortices with cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs).


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