Presentation Information

[16a-P01-9]Spaciotemporal Control of Structural Transition between Achiral to Chiral Crystal Structure by Light Irradiation

〇Ryusei Oketani1, Musashi Okada1, Saki Ikeda2, Ken-ichi Yuyama3, Takuya Nakashima3, Ichiro Hisaki1 (1.Osaka Univ. Graduate School of Engineering Science, 2.Osaka Univ. School of Engineering Science, 3.Osaka Metropolitan Univ. Graduate School of Science)


chirality,organic crystal,Laser manipulation

Chiral molecular crystals are an important material class for practical applications such as nonlinear optics. In this presentation, we will report spatiotemporal control of a structural transition from an achiral to a chiral crystal structure using laser irradiation.


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