Presentation Information
[16a-P02-2]Development of Analysis Methods for Seaweed Vegetation Using UAV Aerial Images
~Standardization of Seaweed discrimination using histogram matching method
〇Kaito Takeda1, Tomonori Yuasa1, Yoshihisa Aizu1, Yoshihiro Miyazaki2 (1.Muroran Inst., 2.Oshima Fisheries)
unmanned aerial vehicle,image processing,seaweed
In recent years, the production volume of kelp has been declining and the number of kelp operators has been decreasing, which has become a social problem, so there is an urgent need to establish an efficient harvesting method. Therefore, we are working on the development of an analysis method using UAV aerial images. Conventional analysis methods require a criterion for each seaweed for each aerial image, which means that a criterion has to be developed every year. In this study, we attempted to standardize the criteria by analyzing the relationship between the criteria and aerial images taken in multiple years.
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