Presentation Information
[16a-P05-8]Wavefront Analysis of Nonlinear Optical Process with Optical Vortex
〇Kazuyuki Nakayama1, Seigo Ohno2, Katsuhiko Miyamoto3 (1.ICEPP UTokyo, 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Chiba Univ.)
metamaterial,nonlinear optics,optical vortex
In recent years, research using optical vortices has become active. Optical vortices are electromagnetic modes with wavefronts on a spiral with phase singularities, and they have become an interesting research subject in both science and engineering. We are interested in nonlinear optical processes using light with phase structure and angular momentum like optical vortices. Generally the light generated by nonlinear interactions have a good correspondence with the physics of artificial gauge fields. We explore their potential as analogous systems and metamaterials for experimental studies in condensed matter physics.
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