Presentation Information

[16p-K102-3]Polarization tuning of soft X rays and microscopic dichroism mapping at NanoTerasu

〇Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo1 (1.QST)


synchrotron raditation,polarization tuning,XMCD

BL13U at NanoTerasu is dedicated for soft X-ray microspectroscopy by synchrotron radiation with arbitral and fast tuning of the photon polarization and small spot size. Such high-performance microspectroscopy and its dichroism (XMCD/XMLD) would encourage various spintronic researches, such as the spin and valley current observation/control on miniaturized devices. In the presentation, the current status of the beamline, focused on the photon polarization tuning and focused spot size at the sample position, will be shown.


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