Presentation Information
[16p-K204-1]Broadband Sound Absorption of Acoustic Metasurface Assembled with Small Helmholtz Resonators
〇Shinsuke Nakanishi1 (1.Hiroshima Inst. Tech)
acoustic metasurface,sound absorption,Helmholtz resonator
An acoustic metasurface (AMS) is a plane assembled with unit structures containing a resonant system arrayed by a period of less than a fraction of the wavelength of the target frequency. This presentation focuses broadband sound absorption of the AMS assembled with small Helmholtz resonators, and introduces a formulation of easily predicting sound absorption of the AMS and examples of measured the normal incident sound absorption coefficient of the AMS made with the additive manufacturing. In addition, it is discussed on optimization of quantity ratio of the resonators for the broadband perfect sound absorption of the AMS.
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