Presentation Information
[16p-K209-5]A Design Consideration of Microwave Circuits Using Two SIS Mixers
〇Yoshinori Uzawa1,2, Wenlei Shan1,2, Takafumi Kojima1,2, Sho Masui1, Akira Kawakami3, Yosuke Murayama1, Kazumasa Makise1,2, Takatomi Kumagai1 (1.NAOJ, 2.SOKENDAI, 3.NICT)
SIS mixer,microwave circuits,amplifier
We are developing a low-noise and low-power microwave amplifier, etc. using the frequency conversion gain of superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixers. Those microwave circuits consist of one frequency up-converter and one frequency down-converter connected in series. We have so far successfully demonstrated the principle of low-noise amplification operation, etc. using waveguide components. We now report on our study of a design method for microwave circuits consisting of two SIS mixers.
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