Presentation Information
[16p-K303-9]Transcriptome Analysis of Various Plant Stresses Induced in Plasma-Irradiated Seeds
Li Fangyi1, Lau Vincent1, Yanagawa Yuki2, Kuriyama Akiko3, Matsui Minami3, Makita Yuko4, Shiratani Masaharu5, Koga Kazunori5, 〇Takamasa Okumura5 (1.University of Toronto, 2.Chiba Univ., 3.RIKEN, 4.Maebashi Inst. Technol., 5.Kyushu Univ.)
Plasma Seed Science,Bioinfomatics,Transcriptome Analysis
The induction of responses by plasma exposure to seeds has attracted attention, and it has been reported that plasma exposure promotes germination and growth. In this study, transcriptome analysis was performed using plasma-exposed sorghum BTx623 seeds. After absorbing water for one day after exposure to atmospheric air plasma, RNA was prepared from three absorbed seeds as one sample, and three independent samples were subjected to RNA-seq. The results of functional upregulation analysis of biological processes by plasma exposure of sorghum seeds showed that plasma exposure acts as a stimulus to induce abiotic stimuli and chemical responses.
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