Presentation Information
[16p-K307-6]Impact of chemical composition on electric-field-induced phase transitions
in Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3–Bi1/2K1/2TiO3 ferrielectrics
〇(D)Seiyu Aso1, Kento Fukushima1, Hiroki Matsuo1, Yuji Noguchi1 (1.Kumamoto Univ.)
Ferrielectrics,Electric-field-induced phase transitions,Energy storage
In recent years we have confirmed the presence of a ferrielectric phase in the Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3–Bi1/2K1/2TiO3 (BNT–BKT) solid solution. However the influence of composition on the electric-field-induced phase transitions between the ferrielectric and ferroelectric phases remains unclear. This study aims to clarify how composition affects the electric field-induced phase transition in BNT–BKT. Along with the K content x, a new compositional parameter, the A-site vacancy content δ, was introduced.
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