Presentation Information
[16p-K403-6]Sub-1cm3 Beacon Powered by Intermittent-Operating Light-Energy-Harvesting Circuit
〇Juntaro Ito1, Kaisei Yoshimoto1, Yasufumi Yokoshiki2, Takashi Tokuda1 (1.Science Tokyo, 2.Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
IoT,energy harvesting,optical power transfer
In "Society 5.0", which is suggested as the ideal form of future society, any objects around us are expected to be informatized by IoT technology. To realize a small IoT device that can be attached to and informatize objects everywhere, we have designed an intermittent-operating light-energy-harvesting circuit as a powering system for the device. This time, we were successful in driving a regular BLE microcontroller module by this circuit and transmitting a BLE beacon. We will report the result.
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