Presentation Information
[16p-K505-4]Improving the efficiency of searching for highly magnetic alloy materials using TargetLearning VAE and Bayesian optimization
〇Naoki Yoshida1, Yuma Iwasaki2, Yasuhiko Igarashi1 (1.Univ of Tsukuba, 2.NIMS)
VAE,Bayesian Optimization
In research into multi-component alloys, the combinatorial explosion problem has made conventional manual material development difficult. Therefore, autonomous material search that combines first-principles calculations and machine learning is important. In particular, as the input space increases, the combination of dimensionality reduction using Autoencoder or Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) and Bayesian optimization has attracted attention. In this study, we focus on an efficient material search method that combines a dimensionality reduction method and Bayesian optimization. By utilizing the correlation between the physical properties of magnetic alloys, we embed non-target property information using Target Learning VAE (TL-VAE) and design a latent space that improves the efficiency of Bayesian optimization. We also use semi-supervised VAE to verify the case where there is a small amount of non-target property information.
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