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[16p-K505-5]Reconstruction of Inorganic Crystal Chemistry Based on Delaunay Tetrahedral Expressions of Crystal Structures
〇Yukari Katsura1,2,3, Yu Takada1, Tomoya Mato1, Masaya Kumagai3,4, Masakazu Akiyama5 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba, 3.RIKEN, 4.SAKURA Internet Inc., 5.Toyama Univ.)
informatics,crystal structure
Using the widely used Delaunay tetrahedral decomposition method in 3D computer graphics, we created a dataset that divides crystal structures into tetrahedrons with atoms as vertices. By analyzing this dataset, we aimed to derive universal, data-driven laws for inorganic crystal structures, establishing a new framework for "chemistry." Additionally, we developed a web-based Crystal Structure Simulator that assembles natural crystal structures in three-dimensional space using Delaunay tetrahedra.
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