Presentation Information

[16p-K506-9]Quantitative Evaluation of Optic Axis Control in Tellurium Thin Film
using Polarized Pulsed Laser

〇Arata Mitsuzuka1, Yuta Kobayashi1, Masashi Kawaguchi1, Masamitsu Hayashi1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)


Optical Control,Thin film,Pulsed Laser

We previously reported that the optical axis of Te can be controlled by irradiating thin Te films with a pulsed laser. In this talk, we attempt to elucidate the mechanism of optical axis control by quantitatively measuring the optical anisotropy of Te thin films prepared under various conditions. In the talk, I will report the details of the analysis and the dependence of the optical anisotropy on the pulse intensity and the number of irradiation pulses.


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