Presentation Information

[16p-K507-6]Detection of Anthropogenic 36Cl by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and its Application

〇Kimikazu Sasa1,2, Masumi Matsumura1, Tetsuro Yoshida1, Tsutomu Takahashi1 (1.CRiES, Univ. Tsukuba, 2.Pure Appl. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba)


Chlorine 36,Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,neutron integral dose

Chlorine 36 (36Cl, T1/2 = 0.301 Myr) is one of the long-lived radionuclides that are difficult to measure by accelerator mass spectrometry due to contamination with the interfering isobaric 36S. Anthropogenic 36Cl is mainly produced by the neutron capture reaction 35Cl(n, gamma)36Cl. In this presentation, we report on the progress of the detection technique of anthropogenic 36Cl using the 6 MV AMS system and its possible application to the investigation of radioactive materials in nuclear facilities and the estimation of neutron integral doses.


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