Presentation Information
[16p-K508-2]On the dressed photon field connecting micro-macro duality and general relativity theories
〇Hirofumi Sakuma1 (1.RODreP)
off-shell science,micro-macro duality,general relativity theory
Dressed photon study opened up, unexpectedly, a quite basic theoretical study on light-matter field interactions based on Greenberg-Robinson theorem in the axiomatic quantum field theory. In the past years, we have successfully developed a theory on the space-time as a physical field and reported it in several journals. In this short presentation, employing an important viewpoint of "quantum-classical correspondence", we are going to talk about the cutting-edge results of our ongoing quantum space-time model, of which partial justification was given by Liang et al.'s experimental result in the field of condensed matter physics, which confirmed the existence of spin 2 particle called chiral graviton.
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