Presentation Information
[16p-P04-15]Pretilt Anomaly in Uniaxial Para-Ferroelectric Phase Transition
〇Hirokazu Kamifuji1, Kazuma Nakajima1, Shogo Miyake1, Hirotsugu Kikuchi2, Masanori Ozaki1 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.Kyushu Univ.)
liquid crystals,ferroelectricity,molecular orientation
It is known that the molecular orientation properties of the ferroelectric nematic phase, which has ferroelectric properties in a highly symmetric uniaxial liquid crystal phase, differ from those of general uniaxial liquid crystal phases. In this study, we focused on pretilt, which is the tilt of the molecules on the substrate. It was found that pretilt in the ferroelectric phase is a different phenomenon from that in the paraelectric phase, which has been understood to date. This indicates that the interaction between the liquid crystal molecules and the interface changes due to macroscopic polarization, etc., following the para-ferroelectric phase transition.
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