Presentation Information
[16p-P04-3]Development of Highly Conductive Mg(Pc)-based Nano- and Bulk Crystals and Effects of Counterionic Species
〇(D)Taichi Oribe1,2, Hiroyuki Hasegawa1,2, Toshiki Yamada2, Akira Otomo2, Tomoyuki Akutagawa3, Jun Harada4 (1.Shimane Univ., 2.NICT, 3.Tohoku Univ., 4.Hokkaido Univ.)
nanoscale electrocrystallization,electrochemical crystal growth,organic conductor
In our previous study, we demonstrated that magnesium(II) phthalocyanine (Mg(Pc))-based nano- and bulk crystals could be fabricated via electrochemical methods using tetrabutylammonium salts, specifically TBA·BF4 or TBA·ClO4, as supporting electrolytes. Furthermore, the conductivity at room temperature of the bulk crystals was estimated from their current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, revealing high conductivity in all cases. In this study, we investigated the field-effect characteristics of nanocrystals obtained with TBA·BF4 or TBA·ClO4. Additionally, we conducted the X-ray structure analysis of bulk crystals obtained with TBA·BF4. In this presentation, we will discuss not only the electrical properties of these nanocrystals but also the structural aspects of the bulk crystals.
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