Presentation Information
[16p-P14-1]Optimization of InAs/GaAs Stacked Submonolayer Nanostructures for Spin-optics
〇Ronel Intal Roca1, Itaru Kamiya1 (1.Toyota Tech. Inst.)
spin,submonolayer,circular polarization
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) -grown self-assembled InAs/GaAs QDs have attracted interest in spin-optic applications due to their long spin lifetime. Whereas these nanostructures are typically assembled using the Stranski-Krastanov (SK) growth mode, we have recently shown that QDs can also be assembled using the stacked submonolayer (SML) growth. In comparison to SK, SML growth has been reported to be more tunable, with more adjustable growth parameters, allowing for better optimization. In the present work, the growth optimization of the spin-optic properties of 3D SML InAs/GaAs QDs are investigated by circularly-polarized photoluminescence (CP-PL). In particular, the effect of the GaAs spacer thickness on 3-stack SML QDs is studied.
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