Presentation Information
[16p-P15-3]Design of the anti- reflection coatings for direct wafer-bonded InGaP/GaAs/InxGa1-xAs//InyGa1-yAs four-junction solar cells
〇Kentaroh Watanabe1, Takashi Shimasaki2, Hassanet Sodabanlu1, Meita Asami1, Yoshiaki Nakano2, Masakazu Sugiyama1,2 (1.RCAST, Univ. Tokyo, 2.Eng., Univ. Tokyo)
Multi-Junction solar cells,Anti-Reflection Coatings,Direct wafer bonding
This study aimed to improve the power conversion efficiency of SAB4 junction solar cells by developing a pseudo-three-layer antireflection coating using a dielectric multilayer film. The SAB4 junction solar cell, consisting of an InGaAs single-junction cell epitaxially grown on an InP substrate and an IMM3J stacked using the SAB method, was coated with the developed antireflection coating. As a result, the reflectance in the long-wavelength region was reduced, suggesting the potential for improved solar cell performance.
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