Presentation Information
[17a-K205-2]Development, Comprehensive Performance Characterization, and Large-Scale Fabrication of High-Performance Heterostructure Materials
Yufeng Zhang1, Aoran Fan1, Weigang Ma1, 〇Xing Zhang1 (1.Tsinghua Univ.)
Two-dimensional heterostructure materials,Nanoscale thermal measurement,Heterogeneous interface
Chips are a key area in the development of global core technologies. With the accelerated trend of chip high integration and miniaturization, traditional silicon-based transistors have reached the limits of Moore's Law and are unable to meet the growing demands of high-performance electronic devices. Therefore, it is urgent to explore new semiconductor materials that still exhibit high performance at the nanoscale. Two-dimensional (2D) heterostructure materials, due to their exceptional carrier mobility, small size, and tunable atomic-level interfaces, show great potential for applications in chips in the post-silicon era. However, research on 2D heterostructure materials is still in its early stages. Efficient fabrication methods and accurate characterization techniques are still lacking, and the energy carrier transfer mechanisms at the hetero-interface remain unclear.
This talk will first present our latest progress in controllable growth techniques, large-scale transfer, and directional transfer methods for 2D heterostructure materials. It will then focus on the comprehensive measurement techniques for energy carrier transport across heterostructure interfaces developed by our group, including the integrated T-type and H-type method, dual-wavelength flash Raman method, and an improved time-domain thermoreflectance method. Based on these measurement techniques, we have successfully achieved precise measurements of energy carrier transport properties at 2D-2D and 2D-3D hetero-interfaces, uncovering unprecedented high performance and novel physical phenomena. Finally, I will share our exploration of 2D heterostructure arrays and provide an outlook on the large-scale fabrication and industrial application prospects of 2D heterostructure materials based nano-devices.
This talk will first present our latest progress in controllable growth techniques, large-scale transfer, and directional transfer methods for 2D heterostructure materials. It will then focus on the comprehensive measurement techniques for energy carrier transport across heterostructure interfaces developed by our group, including the integrated T-type and H-type method, dual-wavelength flash Raman method, and an improved time-domain thermoreflectance method. Based on these measurement techniques, we have successfully achieved precise measurements of energy carrier transport properties at 2D-2D and 2D-3D hetero-interfaces, uncovering unprecedented high performance and novel physical phenomena. Finally, I will share our exploration of 2D heterostructure arrays and provide an outlook on the large-scale fabrication and industrial application prospects of 2D heterostructure materials based nano-devices.
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