Presentation Information
[17a-K209-2]Evaluation of temperature of single 174Yb+ ions by spectroscopy of the 2S1/2 - 2D5/2 clock transition
〇Seiryu Ando1, Takahiro Enomoto2, Yasutaka Imai3, Kazuhiko Sugiyama1,2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Grad Sch Kyoto Univ., 3.Okayama Univ.)
iontrap,Ytterbium ion,Optical clock
We are conducting research for realizing a single-ion optical clock using Yb+ ions. While we previously confirmed confinement within the Lamb-Dicke region for the 2S1/2 - 2D5/2 transition in the 174Yb+ ions, issues of reproducibility remained. In this study, we utilize a newly developed ion trap to clarify the conditions required for reliably confining ions within the Lamb-Dicke region. At present, although confinement within the Lamb-Dicke region did not achieved, we observed a carrier-dominant spectrum with the ion’s temperature estimated to be in the 1 mK range.
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