Presentation Information
[17a-K310-3]Crystal Growth of Mg2Sn Single Crystal by Unidirectional Solidification
〇Kohei Ishizaki1, Hiroshi Abe1, Kazuki Tatsumiya1, Masaaki Sato1, Kiyoshi Izumi1 (1.Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.)
thermoelectric material,bridgman,crystal growth
Mg2Sn is known as an environmentally-friendly thermoelectric material composed of low-cost elements. We grew 1-inch diameter Mg2Sn single crystals for application in thermoelectric devices. The samples were grown using the vertical Bridgman method and the VGF method. The crystalline quality of the grown samples was evaluated by the back-reflection Laue method. In this talk, we will report the details of the crystal growth and the crystallographic evaluation of the single crystal samples.
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