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[17a-K310-9]High Performance Y1-xTbxTaO4 Single-Crystal Scintillators for X-ray Detection

〇(D)YUESHEN ZHOU1,2, Dongsheng Yuan1, Encarnacion G.Villora1, Daisuke Nakauchi3, Takumi Kato3, Noriaki Kawaguchi3, Takayuki Yanagida3, Kiyoshi Shimamura1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Waseda Univ., 3.NAIST)



In pursuit of a single-crystal scintillator that is free from toxic elements and has scintillation properties comparable to commercial CdWO4 (CWO) in terms of light yield, afterglow, and stopping power, transparent and colorless Y1−xTbxTaO4 (YTTO) mixed single crystals are grown by the floating-zone (FZ) technique and investigated for the first time as scintillators. In a previous study, we demonstrate that short sections (~4 mm in length) of transparent YTaO4 (YTO) single crystals can be obtained using the FZ technique, despite the occurrence of phase transition. In the current study, we find that the length of the transparent region increases with the incorporation of Tb. For 10% Tb doping, the transparent region extends to approximately 10 mm; for 25% Tb, it further increases to about 20 mm. Upon complete substitution of Y by Tb, a monoclinic TbTaO4 (TTO) transparent single crystal is grown for the first time, as shown in the photographs in Fig. 1(a). With the substitution of Y3+ by Tb3+, the intrinsic UV photoluminescence from YTO, stemming from the Ta−O complex, gradually decreases until only the intraionic Tb3+ emissions remain for a Tb concentration below 5%. The optimum scintillation performance is found for 15% Tb concentration: the light yield is ∼1.5 times that of CWO, as shown in Fig. 2(b), while the density, the stopping power, and the afterglow are comparable. For concentrations above 15% Tb3+, the quadrupole−quadrupole interaction is found to be responsible for the concentration quenching. These results demonstrate the potential of Y0.85Tb0.15TaO4 single crystals as an environmentally friendly alternative to CWO ones for high-energy X-ray radiography.


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