Presentation Information
[17a-K503-1]Molecular-scale investigations of interfacial solvation structures in ionic liquids containing long-chain alkyl groups
〇Kosei Matsumoto1, Yifan Bao2, Haruki Miyamoto2, Shuji Tokitoh2, Yuto Nishiwaki2, Toru Utsunomiya2, Takashi Ichii2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Kyoto Univ.)
Ionic liquid,Atomic force microscopy (AFM),Solid/liquid interface
The interfaces between [C12mim][NTf2], an ionic liquid containing long-chain alkyl groups, and various substrates were investigated by FM-AFM using a qPlus sensor. Topographic images were obtained at the [C12mim][NTf2]/KCl{100} interface and the [C12mim][NTf2]/HOPG interface. Atomic resolution imaging of the KCl{100} surface was successfully achieved. On HOPG, a stripe-like structure resembling the alkane/HOPG interface structure was observed.
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